  will apap codeine 300-30 get you high

date: 18.02.2012
AUTHOR: counpostma

will apap codeine 300-30 get you high

Can" APAP/Codeine 300-30mg" get you high? - Yahoo! Answers

... but i want to try to do it in the safest way possible. the pain killers i have apap/codeine 300-30. they say its generic for tylenol/codeine #3. i hear you can get high.
Getting high off tylenol/codeine? - Yahoo! Answers
How many pills of APAP/Codeine 300-30 pills should you take to get a decent high? ChaCha Answer: Since each person is different, the.
  • What is apap codeine 300-30? | ChaCha

  • How many pills of APAP/Codeine 300-30 pills should you take to get.

    How many tylenol with codeine to get high ?

    can you get high off APAP/CODEINE TAB 300-30 MG? - IhAv.NET

    Best Answer: yeah it can, although I suggest doing a CWE on it because 30mg of codeine is not enough to get high. You'll need at least 100mg to feel a buzz.
    How many tylenol with codeine to get high ?
    I do it off vic and codeine usually and stuff.. but i've never seen these pills before, they are round and its kinda throwing me off...
    ... do it in the safest way possible. the pain killers i have apap/codeine 300-30. they say its generic for tylenol/codeine #3. i hear you can get high off codeine.
    What is apap codeine 300-30? ChaCha Answer: APAP/Codeine 300/30 is a generic for. How do increase a codeine high? Try crushing the codine tablet and then.

    will apap codeine 300-30 get you high can you get high off APAP/CODEINE TAB 300-30 MG? - IhAv.NET

    Can" APAP/Codeine 300-30mg" get you high? - Yahoo! Answers can you get high off APAP/CODEINE TAB 300-30 MG? - IhAv.NET How many tylenol with codeine to get high ? can you get high off APAP/CODEINE TAB 300-30 MG? - IhAv.NET Tylenol-Codeine (Acetaminophen and Codeine) Drug Information. Getting high off tylenol/codeine? - Yahoo! Answers .
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